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Ed Knox

Sorry I initially posted to wrong article

Dear Tim,

Another erudite and enjoyable piece.

Keep up the good work.

I wonder what damage BP will have done to cautious/pessimistic funds?
Prior to the leak it was big, had low gearing, high fcf and good yield. Classic defensive.....!!



Cautious, pessimistic, index-trackers and pension funds: they'll all have been affected. In a sense, the Macondo spill serves a useful purpose in reminding people of the risks out there (and not just in investmentland). As Buffett once said: don't invest in stocks at all if you can't cope with a 50% decline in price. But the damage, I fear, has also been stoked by political point-scoring. Watching US politicians jumping onto this bandwagon has been an utterly disillusioning experience. As someone who loathes politicians of all stripes, the coverage and posturing and look-at-me grief of this disaster has been beyond sickening. Evidence also of an increasingly govt-controlled world. Stop the economy, I want to get off.

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