“Thank goodness the world economy has the steady hand of the American voter to steer it to calmer waters.”
- Justin Wolfers.
So the British people have finally spoken. The Establishment, however, chose not to hear them, turning its perpetual tin ear to criticism from below. As the flag-bearer for an unaccountable, hypocritical and increasingly bewildered technocratic elite, Martin Wolf for the Financial Times inadvertently showed precisely why Remain lost:
"The fearmongering and outright lies of Boris Johnson, Michael Gove, Nigel Farage, The Sun and the Daily Mail have won.. This is probably the most disastrous single event in British history since the second world war."
The BBC - like the Financial Times, another media institution that persists despite itself - also struggled to make sense of the UK’s extraordinary decision to enter divorce proceedings with the EU. Extraordinary not because it was irrational, or xenophobic, or economically illiterate, or sado-masochistic, though that is what the Establishment evidently believed. But extraordinary because of the massed domestic and international forces that it managed to overcome: all of the main political parties, the IMF, the OECD, the CBI, the TUC, Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan, Morgan Stanley, most chief executives of FTSE 100 companies, and David Beckham.
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