“The markets are the product of 1999 & 2007 hooking up for a one night stand.”
- Tweet by Danielle DiMartino Booth (@DiMartinoBooth), 25th August 2020.
“In the middle of the journey of our life, I came to / Myself in a dark wood, for the straight way was lost.”
- Dante, Inferno.
“Zoom is now worth more than IBM.”
“I don’t know if that says more about Zoom or IBM.”
- Tweets by Morgan Housel (@morganhousel), 31st August 2020.
By the mid 1970s, film director William Friedkin was on a roll. 1971’s The French Connection bagged him an Oscar and widespread critical acclaim; 1973’s The Exorcist became the highest grossing Warner Bros film of all time. How did Friedkin follow up on all this monstrous success ? He decided to adapt Georges Arnaud’s novel The Wages of Fear (Le Salaire de la peur), in which down-on-their-luck truck drivers in Latin America attempt to ferry nitroglycerine across a treacherous mountain range in order to extinguish an oil well fire. The resultant 1977 release was called Sorcerer. It sank more or less with all hands.